Monday, 13 June 2011

Listography: Top 5 Places To Visit

When I first read this week's Listography topic, I thought it would be a breeze: 'Top Five Places I'd Like To Visit'.

Easy peasy, I can rattle this off in a nanosecond, but when I actually started to try and commit to just five places, it suddenly became quite tricky.

I still don't know if I'm 100% satisfied with my chosen five as there are about a million places I'd like to go, but here goes:

   1. New York, New York!

When we moved to the US back in 2009, top of our list of 'Things To Do' was to visit NYC. It's somewhere neither of us have ever been to and with us being just a 90 minute plane hop away down here in South Carolina, I felt sure we would be able to scratch the Big Apple itch fairly quickly. But then almost as soon as we landed here I found out I was pregnant and then along came a puppy...the rest is history and we have hardly been outside of the state since we arrived! Not that that's a bad thing, SC is wonderful.

Obviously, the opportunity is always there for us to go, it's just a lot harder with a baby and a dog to think about. One day though, one day I will catch a glimpse of Lady Liberty and eat a burger at a Shake Shack.

   2. Denmark

My mum recently came back from a short break in Copenhagen and I was green with envy that she had been. I don't know what it is about the place, but it's on my list. Apparently, it is as lovely as I imagine with great food, architecture and friendly locals. Sightseeing spots would be the Tivoli Gardens, the Little Mermaid and the Royal Palaces, swooooon!

This is no Disney Little Mermaid!

   3. Australia

Understandably, Down Under has appeared on quite a few other 'bucket lists' this week. In reality, I don't think I will ever make it to Oz due to a phobia of flying, but I still harbour a desire to go there, just once, to say I've done it. Top of my Aussie must-sees would be Sydney, Melbourne and of course, Uluru.


I recently watched Oprah's Australian Adventure and it only served to whet my appetite for the place even more. I've just got to get there.....

   4. Singapore

It's always Cocktail Hour at Raffles

Singapore goes hand in hand with Number 3; ideally, I would travel to Australia via a stop-off in Singapore. To sit in the Raffles Hotel drinking a gin sling, would, for me, be heaven. 

   5. Italy

Somewhere in Tuscany, European perfection

Again, I've seen Italy on quite a few other peoples' lists and I'm surprised. Why is it that people go to France and Spain, but less so Italy. I've been on holiday to Europe countless times, but sadly, never to Italia. I know I would love it, I have no doubt. The magnificent history, the food (oh, the food!), wine and rustic countryside. I don't know why Italy is #5 on my list, in actual fact, I think this is my top holiday destination!

As an aside, I asked my husband's opinion on his Top 5; he stayed pretty close to mine with the exception of Thailand. Now, I would LOVE to go to Vietnam and Cambodia, but Thailand leaves me cold. Maybe I would be pleasantly surprised...?

Bon voyage!


  1. I've been pretty lucky. I've been to Oz, Singapore & Italy. All amazing places. I hope that one day you may overcome your fear of flyig and get there. You won't want to come back.

    As for the other two - I'd love to go to Denmark. In fact, I@d love to jump in a campervan and drive all over Europe. One day.

    May be getting to see New York later this year! I'm a jammy sod (mum collects air miles...) x

  2. Denmark is supposed to be an amazing place to visit with kids. Just saying...!

  3. Denmark! I wouldn't have thought to put that in my list, but yeah, it's s'posed to be really nice, innit? Well, if it's good enough for, uh, Hamlet, it's good enough for me... :D

  4. Ha! Absolutely right about Hamlet!

  5. Yes! Come to Australia, it's a pretty amazing place! Plus, we're all incredibly good looking :D


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