Tuesday, 14 June 2011

A Brief Look Back at Peapod

So, I was fiddling around with my blog yesterday, changing settings, making minor improvements (I hope!) when I noticed that I had written 55 posts!

I don't know when or how this happened, it sounds like such a lot!

I know it's only a drop in the ocean compared to many other bloggers; I'm sure there are writers out there who post 55 times a month let alone in 18 months.

I had no idea what I had written 55 posts about, so it was fun to have a quick read back and it was interesting to see how the blog has evolved. Although I began writing back in October 2009, it hasn't been until this past 6 months that I feel I have found my stride or my 'voice'. My followers seem to increase slowly every week which thrills me more than anything and yet bemuses me that anyone would bother to read my nonsense! 

The blog's name has changed a few times since the start, but I feel I have settled on a title that I am happy with and which encapsulates the theme of the blog without being too narrow. I don't see myself as a specific type of blogger and although many of my posts are baby related, I don't feel like a pure Mommy Blogger; I like to write about a variety of topics and I felt that 'Peapod' is a loose enough name to allow me to do that.

So, with all that in mind, I thought I would pull up a few of my favourite older posts that maybe people haven't read before. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did writing them...

The Birth of a Mother

Mr Bob gets his own post

Being thankful

Mr P, the leader of the Pod

A babbling blog on Mamas

Frock It! Down Memory Lane

Here's to the next 55! Thanks for reading...

Oh, and by the way, my first ever rosebush bloomed yesterday. So proud as I absolutely do not have greenfingers!

Beautiful, right?


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've found your voice!

    I have gone from 14 followers to 38 in about 3 months. :) It's awesome.

    Thank for being a follower! :)


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