Sunday, 8 May 2011

5 Facts about my Mum

As it's Mother's Day here in the USA, I would like to share
five facts about my wonderful Mum, or Mom as it may be:

1. Her name is Louise, or Lou, but that is her middle name, her first name is Helen

2. She has a Degree in Law, with Honours, but she is not a lawyer, nor ever has been

3. At the age of 18, she travelled alone from England to Virginia to stay with her Godmother, Judy and roadtripped through South Carolina, which is where I live now

4. She loves antiques, especially silver, furniture and boasts a burgeoning collection of Charlotte Rhead pottery

5. She is the best Mum in the world; has been by my side from the second I was born and has supported me unconditionally through thick and thin

With Imogen at 2 weeks old

If I become half the Mum to Imogen that my Mum was to me, I have done a good job.

Happy Mother's Day!

At our wedding, 2007

1 comment:

  1. I guess her road trip went well. Your mum is beautiful. :)


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