Sunday, 29 May 2011

Frock It! French fashion reigns again.

For this week's Frock It! I'm going to stick closely to the first two entries and snoop around some fashion from the Continent, specifically Madame Sarkozy aka Carla Bruni.

Taking grays to a whole new level

May I first say, in a completely unrelated vein, that Ms Bruni really disappointed me recently with her name. I always thought you pronounced Bruni like you would 'Brunei', however, I was shocked to learn it was prounced 'Broo-knee'...and you know it doesn't sound half as glamorous.

Hey ho. La buzz this week is that the French First Lady is now eating a deux, with un bebe in l'oven. Nothing has officially been announced, but you know these Frenchies like to be awkward and retain an air of 'je ne sais quoi' and with said baby bump growing larger chaque jour, who needs an announcement? 

Since acceding to the throne en France, Carla Bruni has never put a Dior kitten-heeled foot wrong in the wardrobe department, looking elegant and sophisticated at every public event. A supermodel and singer in a former life, she shines in the spotlight and uses her clothes horse figure to great effect; form fitting shifts and impeccably tailored trouser suits help to draw attention away from her diminutive, troll-like husband, Le President (sorry to any French readers!)

Punching above your weight, Monsieur?

In her adopted homeland (she is Italian in origin), she splits opinion with many detractors comparing her to another best-dressed Madame, Marie-Antoinette. 'Let Them Eat Cake' M-A famously declared; Ms Bruni may appear to have adopted this attitude in regards to her people, but there is definitely no cake-eating going on in her Palace of Versailles as her sylph-like figure goes to show.

Now that's a frock!
This week's G8 Summit in Deauville allowed Mme Sarkozy to showcase a new sartorial style, that of loose clothing, a fashion choice rarely seen on her. Obviously chosen for comfort and to accommodate the burgeoning belly, I think she picked the winning hand again, showing that a small matter of a pregnancy is not going to cramp her style.

Let me know what you think.

'Baby? What Baby? I just ate too many croissants this morning.'

Love the use of a bodyguard to detract from La Bump!

Also, do you think I managed to cram in enough Franglish and French references today? I feel I could have done more?!


  1. Looking through these photos, I'm starting to come around to how good grey can look. Never really thought of it as an option except for when very casual.

    Then again, she could look good wearing a plastic bag with an oyster on her head.

  2. I love grey. I own many a grey T-shirt, me. Yet I could never rock it like Ms Broo-knee. She is glam and French and poised and elegant. Tres chic!

  3. Couldn't agree more with you re the pronunciation of her name, it just seems so wrong, doesn't it? As a owner of much grey clothing myself, I love her colour choices, but she looks much better in hers than I do in mine, it must be said!

  4. she always looks amazing, very classy with a touch of je ne sais quoi (see what I did there...?). Really like that last picture.


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