Monday, 4 July 2011

Frock It! #10 What To Wear To a Wedding

This week, my head nearly fell off with so many high profile social events going on around the world; I could hardly bear to tear myself away from the computer! Starting from the bottom up, you had footballer Peter Crouch and his model/TV Presenter/WAG Abbey Clancey's wedding, then Kate Moss showing us you can be a bride and still achieve the 'dragged through a hedge backwards' look at her 'Rock n' Roll' nuptials on Friday.

Over the weekend, there was the climax of the Wimbledon championships and finally the Eurotrash wedding of the century of Price Philanderer Albert II of Monaco and his South African swimmer bride Princess Charlene. 

With rumours swirling of the bride trying to flee on no less than 3 separate occasions and new love children running amok, it shows Charlene really does have nerves of steel to go ahead with what soon became the greatest anti-climactic wedding EVER. I have seen more chemistry between a dead dog and a plank of wood than between these two 'lovebirds'. Only time will tell the future of the Grimaldi house...personally, I don't see a happy ending, but hey ho, she certainly looked the part, quite exquisite. 

For my Frock It! post this week, I have chosen to stick to the Monegasque wedding and focus on the happy couple's niece Charlotte Casiraghi.  

I feel like I do a lot of bitchy Frock Its, which is fun, but today I'm playing it straight as I thought Charlotte looked simply sublime.

With her Aunt, Princess Stephanie. Anyone for Botox?
 Obviously she wore Chanel; it is the go-to designer for the Grimaldis. From the label's Spring 2011 couture collection, she looked absolutely the epitome of style and not unlike a pink, padded handbag from the eponymous designer, non?!

With boyfriend, Alex Dellal
Proving elegance and grace runs through her blue-blooded veins, she tops off the outfit with a simple black veiled headpiece which cast subtle shadow across her magnificent cheekbones.

Tres belle, Mademoiselle.


  1. Hate to say it, but I really don't like her dress at all. Or the hat thing, thought it was more suitable for a funeral. But I thought her mother and aunt looked better than I've seen either of them looking for a while. So sad to see Princess Charlene looking so unhappy on her wedding day, and shedding mroe than a few tears by the looks of it as well.

  2. Yes, I thought it might be a 'Marmite' dress! I'm a sucker for pink though!

  3. I am a massive fan of Charlotte. I think she is stunning. But I am not sure about this dress at all. Must say I am stunned at how nice Stephanie looks.

    Have had to post anon as it just didn't let me do it any other way



  4. Totally agree, Charlene looked amazing but so, so sad and miserable. Let's hope the rumours are not true but I'm not holding my breath.

    Funny, I didn't like Charlotte's dress in that first photo at all. But loved it in the second. Must be the light! She is beautiful isn't she.

    Thanks for joining in. xx

  5. she's quite beautious!


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