Saturday, 2 April 2011

The Mom Pledge Blog Hop!

It's 8:46am, I've been awake since 5:54am when my little rooster baby crowed that she was awake and nothing was going to get her to sleep past 7am.

I have a throat akin to sandpaper and a thirst for my second cup of hot tea and 2 Tylenol.

This is me, this is my Saturday morning so far in Walnut Cove.


I'm still a newbie blogger, so my posts are quite erratic, but I hope you enjoy them.

Now baby is asleep, dog is asleep, husband is (still) asleep, I thought I would get right down to it and...


I've already read six really good blogs that have inspired me and I look forward to reading more.

Finally, let's not forget why we do the Blog Hop. To support the Mom Pledge and to stamp out mom-bullying.

1 comment:

  1. When I first started blogging, I will all over the place, too! LOL You will find your voice, and your rhythm. Thanks for participating in our first Blog Hop!


I'd love to hear from you so comment away!