Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Rainy day blues

Well, it's a murky ol' day here in Walnut Cove; the sun has definitely NOT got his hat on and the rain has set in for the next 24 hours according to the WYFF4 Super Doppler HD weather forecast.

Oh joy!

The poor dog has realised that the odds of having a walk today are fast becoming slim to none and is wildly alternating between hyperactive and desolately bored. I know how he feels. Even the baby is fed up.

If the baby was older, today could be the ultimate pyjama day. We (baby, dog & I) could go back to bed and veg out watching TV and eating goodies, curtains closed, blocking out the wind & rain that is battering at the windowpanes. We could bake cakes and make play-doh, paint our nails and do our hair (Bobble especially would love this bit).

But the baby is only 7 months old so it's going to be a while before we can be indulgent together. Instead, I'm trying to appease her with stacking rings and Jumperoos (and even that most favourite of bouncers is in the bad books today!), sing songs and belly tickling.

It's only 10.45am, so unless I'm ready to book myself in for rehab by the end of the day after being cooped up indoors, we will have to venture out at some point. I think it will have to be the Target (oh, wondrous place of wonder!) just for a browse, of course! Or maybe the State Farmers' Market I read about this morning, as long as all the rutabagas are not floating off down the road!


In other news, on reflection (or rather on husband's advice), I have removed my earlier post from Monday night.

In the same way that after writing a letter in anger, you should sleep on it and re-read in the morning before posting because, invariably, in the light of a new day things are not so bad, I should have slept on my post and then kept it to myself.

I would have been mortified if, by some chance, they had read my post as they would have been hurt, upset and bewildered by my outburst, at a time when they should be surrounded by goodwill and love.

Although we have very different parenting styles and outlooks on life and I don't agree with their approach, I do respect it as I would feel very affronted if my child-rearing practices were so openly criticised.

So, the post is now in my drafts, for my eyes only. Case closed.

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