Thursday, 24 February 2011

News Day

What the bejeezus is going on with this child's hair? I swear that everytime she goes for a nap, she emerges with a hundred new hairs and they are all vertical in their persuasion! Who knows how this barnet will evolve? When is too young to start using styling products? (joke, obv.)

In other news, my friend from the next street is about to pop with her first child. Literally, pop; he was due to arrive on the 19th, no sign of anything yet, so we are going for a leisurely walk this afternoon with Bobble & baby to see if Mr Gravity can work his magic and get the little boy moving, so she doesn't have to resort to the Pitocin & cervical softening pleasantries like I did.

In further news, just a quick question: how long is too long for a child to stay in the Jumperoo? Is there a maximum limit of hours per day, like the European Working Hours Directive where you have to sign a disclaimer to work over 42 hrs a week? Do Fisher-Price have a disclaimer? Cos, this baby LOVES her Jumperoo more than she loves me. I get her out sporadically, to eat, sleep and to do some 'mat work' so she can learn to crawl before she starts kindergarten, but I know she's just biding her time until she's back jumping herself dizzy.

In even more news, Monsieur le Bob is asleep, still recovering from the mega walk we did yesterday around his old stomping ground downtown. He got so excited when we pulled into the park yesterday he nearly jumped clear out of the window.

Since moving to the Cove of Walnuts, the walks have lessened up A LOT. Mainly because there isn't the park network like downtown and also because we have an acre of land for him to busy himself with. I mean, how much does one dog need? Walks AND an acre of land? Come on! But yesterday, with some inclement weather looming in the next few days and my waistline feeling the effects of a big gooey Fuddruckers brownie from Monday, I felt we needed to pound the parks, and we certainly did! And after all that walking, I was so famished I finished off the Whitmans Samplers I had for Valentines and 2 trail mix granola bars...

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