Saturday, 11 December 2010


From where there was once just a dusty patch of browning grass in a small corner of Upstate South Carolina...

...there now emerges a house, our future home. A wooden box which will hold our dreams, our memories, our family and friends.


Here is my first 'American Adventure' giveaway for all my loyal followers! The prize is a money can't buy, all expenses paid trip** to visit us here in our new home some time next year ( can you believe it! What a prize!) All you have to do is come up with a winning name for the new house, and if you are the lucky winner, we will see you in South Carolina next year for the house-naming ceremony.

**Disclaimer: 'All expenses paid' does not include travel costs from UK to South Carolina. The Priests will provide transfers to & from Greenville airport, all lodging, food, drink & entertainment.

Can't wait to read your suggestions. Good luck!

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